Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How To Install ATI Catalyst Drivers In Fedora 16

Execute the following series of commands:

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  1. [Wani@Dell ~]$ su # First, Become Root
  2. [root@Dell Wani] yum reinstall mesa-libGL #  Clean: IF you previously installed this driver using the binary package provided by AMD-ATI, you must un-install it, then repair Mesa
  3. [root@Dell Wani] yum update kernel # Update kernel
  4. [root@Dell Wani] yum --nogpgcheck install # Install the rpmfusion driver Using akmod
  5. [root@Dell Wani] yum install akmod-catalyst xorg-x11-drv-catalyst xorg-x11-drv-catalyst-libs.i686
  6. [root@Dell Wani] mv /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r)-radeon.img # Make sure radeon is removed from initramfs
  7. [root@Dell Wani] dracut /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)
  8. [root@Dell Wani] aticonfig --initial
  9. [root@Dell Wani] echo "blacklist radeon" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
  10. [root@Dell Wani] echo "GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x1024x32
  12. GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1280x1024x32" >> /etc/default/grub
  13. [root@Dell Wani] grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
  14. [root@Dell Wani] reboot

If you get any of the following error(s) while booting:

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  1. Failed to start LSB: Init script for TCSD.
  2.          See 'systemctl status tcsd.service' for details.
  4. Failed to start LSB: Starts and stops login and scan...iSCSI devices..
  5.          See 'systemctl status iscsi.service' for details.
  7. Failed to start LSB: Builds and install new kmods from akmod packages
  8.          See 'systemctl status akmods.service' for details

Then you should type:

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  1. $ systemctl disable tcsd.service
  2. $ systemctl disable iscsi.service
  3. $ systemctl disable akmods.service

If you are ever stuck at the start-up screen at "Starting Display Manager":

It means that either you have installed the wrong packages or fiddled wrongly with config files. In order to correct this, you have to re-install the drivers. But in order to do so, you'll need to either boot into recovery mode or at the boot screen press 'e' and type 3 at the end of rhgb quiet and press 'b' to boot. Then plugin your ethernet cable and re-install the drivers.

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